Creating beautiful landscapes catered to your lifestyle

Creativity, Comfort & Function

  • Whether its privacy, more outdoor living space, well designed garden beds or timeless and attractive pathways & connectivity you are striving for, Forager Landscapes can create beautiful, functional and integrated landscapes using trusted local suppliers and cost effective techniques.

  • With over 10 years of landscape installation, maintenance and management experience, Forager Landscapes can come up with elegant solutions to your landscape challenges.

Design Credit @KatyScherrerlandscapes

Fencing & Privacy

Garden Spaces

Hardscapes & Walkways

Edible Landscapes

  • Educated in Permaculture design & principles, we can create a landscape that is focused on food sovereignty for you, your family and your neighborhood.

  • Creating garden spaces dedicated to annual vegetables and integrating perennial food crops into your landscape can allow you to enjoy the abundance of nature without overcrowding your yard, overburdening harvest needs and avoiding maintenance issues.